Engleski za početnike
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Jim: Excuse me. Do you know the way to the Shirley House Restaurant?
Tourist 1: The Shirley House Restaurant? No, sorry, we don’t know the way.
Tourist 2: We don’t know Canterbury. We’re from Chicago.
Jim: Oh, you’re from Chicago. I see. Sorry.
Tourist 1: Not at all. Goodbye.
Tourist 2: ‘Bye.
Jim: Bye. Excuse me. I’m looking for the Shirley House Restaurant. Do you know it?
Schoolboy: The Shirley House Restaurant? Um… No, sorry, I don’t. No, I don’t know it. I know Macdonald’s…
Jim: No, thanks, I know Macdonald’s too, but I have a lunch appointment at the Shirley House Restaurant…
Schoolboy: Ah… well, why don’t you ask a policeman?
Jim: Ask a policeman? That’s a good idea. Of course. Thanks.
Schoolboy: Not at all. Bye.
Jim: Goodbye… Excuse me.
Policewoman: Yes, sir. What’s the problem?
Jim: Well, I’m looking for the Shirley House Restaurant. Do you know the way?
Policewoman: The Shirley House Restaurant? I don’t know it. One moment please. Shirley House… hmm… Well, I’m sorry, sir. There isn’t a Shirley House Restaurant in Canterbury.
Jim: But I’ve got a lunch date there!
Policewoman: There is a House of Agnes Restaurant… Do you mean the House of Agnes Restaurant, sir?
Jim: The House of Agnes Restaurant… That’s interesting. Yes! Of course! I mean the House of Agnes Restaurant! I’m very sorry.
Policewoman: Not at all, sir. Now, the House of Agnes Restaurant is in St. Dunstan’s Street. Number 71 St. Dunstan’s Street.
Jim: Number 71 St. Dunstan’s Street. Thank you very much. And where is that?
Policewoman: Do you know the West Gate?
Jim: Yes, I know the West Gate. It’s at the end of St. Peter’s Street.
Policewoman: Well, St. Dunstan Street is directly behind the West Gate.
Jim: Great. Thanks very much.
Policewoman: Not at all, sir. Have a nice lunch!
Jim: Oh, thanks! ‘Bye.


Džim: Izvinite. Da li znate put do restorana Shirlei House?
Turista 1: Restoran Shirlei House? Ne, izvini, ne znamo put.
Turista 2: Ne poznajemo Kenterberi. Mi smo iz Čikaga.
Jim: Oh, ti si iz Čikaga. Vidim. Izvinjavam se.
Turista 1: Nikako. Zbogom.
Turista 2: Zbogom.
Džim: Ćao. Izvinite. Tražim restoran Shirlei House. Znate da?
Restoran Shirlei House? Hm… Ne, izvini, nemam. Ne, ne znam. Znam Macdonald’s…
Džim: Ne, hvala, i ja znam Macdonald’s, ali imam zakazano za ručak u restoranu Shirlei House…
Učenik: Ah… pa, zašto ne pitaš policajca?
Jim: Pitati policajca? To je dobra ideja. Naravno. Hvala.
Učenik: Nema na čemu. Zdravo.
Džim: Zbogom… Izvinite.
Policajka: Da, gospodine. U čemu je problem?
Jim: Pa, tražim restoran Shirlei House. Da li znate put?
Policajka: Restoran Shirlei House? ja to ne znam. Samo malo. Shirlei House… hmm… Pa, žao mi je, gospodine. U Kenterberiju ne postoji restoran Shirlei House.
Džim: Ali tamo imam sastanak za ručak!
Policajka: Postoji restoran House of Agnes… Da li mislite na restoran House of Agnes, gospodine?
Jim: Restoran House of Agnes… To je zanimljivo. Da! Naravno! Mislim na restoran House of Agnes! Veoma mi je žao.
Policajka: Nikako, gospodine. Sada se restoran House of Agnes nalazi u ulici St. Dunstan. Broj 71 St. Dunstan’s Street.
Jim: Broj 71 St. Dunstan’s Street. Mnogo vam hvala. A gde je to?
Policajka: Da li poznajete Zapadnu kapiju?
Džim: Da, znam Zapadnu kapiju. Nalazi se na kraju ulice Svetog Petra.
Policajka: Pa, ulica St. Dunstan je direktno iza Zapadne kapije.
Džim: Odlično. Hvala puno.
Policajka: Nema na čemu, gospodine. Prijatno!
Jim: Oh, hvala! Zdravo.

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