Engleski za početnike
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Kate: Good morning. What can I do for you?
Claire: We’d like to go to Edinburg. Could you tell us, what’s the easiest way to get there?
Kate: Well, it depends. Will you need a car in Edinburg?
Lucy: Yes. We want to drive around. Scotland.
Kate: And have you got a car?
Claire: Yes, but I don’t want to drive all the way to Edinburg. It’s too far.
Kate: I see. Well, if you don’t want to drive up to Edinburg, then you want motorail you should put your car on the train in London.
Kate: It’s the easiest way to get there.
Lucy: Is it expensive?
Kate: Well, it’s not cheap. How many of you are going? Just the two of you?
Lucy: No, we’re going with two friends.
Kate: So there are four people travelling. That makes it cheaper.
Lucy: Well, less expensive…
Kate: And when are you travelling?
Lucy: We must be in Edinburg on the tenth of August.
Kate: Are you going to Edinburg for the festival?
Claire: Yes. My sister’s a ballet dancer…
Kate: Are you in a ballet at the festival?
Lucy: Yes, I am.
Kate: Well, isn’t that nice?
Claire: Appearing for the first time at the festival, Miss Lucy Douglas…
Lucy: Please, Claire…
Kate: There’s a train leaving London in the evening. You’ll be in Edinburg at 7 o’clock the next morning. Is that all right?
Claire: That’s fine, isn’t it Lucy?
Lucy: Yes, it is. We can have breakfast in Edinburg!
Kate: Exactly! You should go to the Waverley Lodge for breakfast. It’s opposite the station. Do you know where you are staying?
Claire: No, we don’t, I’m afraid.
Kate: Well, if you are going to be in Edinburg during the festival, then you should book rooms now.
Claire: That’s a good idea… Could you do it for us?
Kate: No problem. Which do you prefer, a hotel or bed and breakfast?
Lucy: Oh, Claire let’s go to a bed and breakfast. It’ll be cheaper than a hotel.
Claire: All right. Could you find us a nice bed and breakfast, where we can relax?
Kate: No problem. I think you should go to the Anderson Lodge. It’s very comfortable. You’ll find it very relaxing.
Lucy: Is it in Edinburg?
Kate: No, it’s not. But it’s not far from the city. And there is a bus stop opposite the Anderson Lodge if you don’t want to drive.
Claire: Why don’t you book us two double rooms at the Anderson Lodge?
Lucy: We’ll be staying one week from the tenth of August.
Kate: Very good. I’ll book two double rooms for one week from the tenth of August. And your train tickets, of course.
Claire: When will our tickets be ready?
Kate: Your tickets will be ready in the morning.
Lucy: Can we pay by cheque?
Kate: Of course you can pay by cheque. If you want you can pay tomorrow. And could you please also bring your car documents with you when you come tomorrow.
Claire: Of course. So we’ll see you tomorrow.
Lucy: Thank you for your help.
Kate: Not at all. Good bye. See you later. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves in Edinburg…

Dobro jutro. Šta mogu da uradim za vas?
Želeli bismo da posetimo Edinburg. Možete nam reći koji je najlakši put do tamo?
Pa zavisi. Da li će vam trebati auto u Edinburgu?
Da. Želeli bismo da se provozamo po Škotskoj.
A da li imate auto?
Da, ali ne želim da vozim skroz do Edinburga. Veoma je daleko.
Vidim. Pa ako ne želite da vozite do Edinburg-a, onda bi ste trebali da vaš auto stavite na voz u Londonu.
To vam je najlakši način da stignete do tamo.
Da li je skupo?
Pa, nije jeftino. Koliko vas ide? Samo vas dvoje?
Ne, idemo sa još dvoje prijatelja.
Znači putuje četvoro ljudi. Tako je to jeftinije.
Pa… Manje skupo.
A kada biste putovali?
Moram biti u Edinburgu desetog avgusta..
Idete u Edinburg na festival?
Da, moja sestra je balerina…
Učestvujete u baletu na festivalu??
Pa nije li to lepo?
Pojavljuje se po prvi put na festivalu, gospođica Lucy Douglas…
Molim te Claire..
Voz kreće iz Londona uveče. U Edinburgu ćete biti sledećeg jutra u 7h. Da li je to u redu?
To je u redu, jeli tako Lucy?
Jeste. Možemo doručkovati u Edinburg-u!
Tako je! Možete otići u Waverley Lodge na doručak. To je sa druge strane stanice. Da li znate gde ćete odsesti??
Ne. Bojim se da ne znamo.
Ako ćete ići u Edinburg tokom festivala bolje bi bilo da rezervišete sobe već sada.
Dobra ideja. Da li to možete da uradite mesto nas?
Nema problema. Šta biste želeli, hotel ili prenoćište sa doručkom?
Oh, Claire, hajde da uzmemo prenoćište sa doručkom. Ispašće jevtinije od hotela
U redu. Možete li nam pronaći prenoćište sa doručkom, gde bi smo mogli da se odmorimo?
Nema problema. Mogli bi te da odete u Anderson Lodge. Veoma je udoban. Videćete i da je veoma opuštajući.
Da li je u Edinburgu?
Nije, ali je veoma blizu gradu. A i blizu Anderson Lodge je autobuska stanica ako ne želite da vozite.
Zašto nam ne biste rezervisali dve dvokrevetne sobe u Anderson Lodge-u?
Ostali bismo jednu nedelju posle 10 avgusta.
Veoma dobro. Rezervisaću vam dve dvokrevetne sobe za jednu nedelju od 10 avgusta. A tu su i vaše vozne karte.
Kada će naše vozne karte biti spremne?
Vaše vozne karte će biti spreman ujutru.
Možemo li platiti čekom?
Naravno da možete platiti čekom. Ako želite možete platiti i sutra. A možete li poneti svoja dokumenta od auta kada budete dolazili sutra.
U redu. Vidimo se sutra.
Hvala na pomoći.
Nema na čemu. Doviđenja. Vidimo se kasnije. Sigurna sam da ćete uživati u poseti Edinburgu…

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