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Business English
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– Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming this afternoon. In the next hour so, I`m going to introduce you to a completely new concept in toy manufacture. I shall begin by talking about the market research which led to the development of this product. Than I shall explain the technical developments, the production and our marketing strategy. Finally, I shall outline our  recommendations, as to how you can make this product a success in your territory. By the end of the hour, you will be able to see why Bibury Systems are so committed to this new venture, and why we are so confident that we can capture the American market. So, let`s begin with a background…

– Dame i gospodo, hvala vam što ste došli danas. Sledećih sat vremena, uvešću vas u potpuno nov koncept u proizvodnji igračaka. Počeću sa pričom o istraživanju tržišta koje je dovelo do razvoja ovog proizvoda. Zatim ću objasniti tehničke trendove, produkciju i našu strategiju marketinga. Najzad, daću vam naše preporuke kako da ovaj proizvod uspe na vašoj teritoriji. Na kraju ovog sata, moći ćete da vidite zašto su Bajberi sistemi toliko posvećeni ovom novom izazovu i zašto smo sigurni da možemo zatvoriti američko tržište. Dakle, da počnemo sa pozadinom projekta…

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