English Fast&Easy

3,480.00 Din.

English fast&easy predstavlja brz, lak i pre svega zanimljiv metod za učenje engleskog jezika.


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English fast&easy predstavlja brz, lak i pre svega zanimljiv metod za učenje engleskog jezika. Program obuhvata preko 3.500 reči koje su podeljene u 115 tematskih celina. Aktivno povezivanje slika i reči sa izgovorom pretvara učenje u zabavu dok raznovrsnost sadržaja garantuje lako prilagođavanje svim uzrastima. Program sadrži i abecedni indeks za lako pronalaženje određenog pojma.



Povezani kursevi


  • People
    The human body, Feelings & Important moments, Family relationships
  • The House
    House and garden, The kithen, The hall, The wardrobe, In the bathroom, The living room, A boy`s bedroom, A girl`s bedroom, A building site
  • Meals
    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Festivals
    Christmas, New year and Easter, Birthday party, Carnival
  • School
    The classroom, Numbers and maths, Shapes and lines, Colours & The language laboratory, The science laboratory
  • In The Street
    Taffic, A supermarket, About the market, A baker`s shop and butcher`s shop, A grocer`s shop, A department store
  • Means Of Transport
    Travel by road, Traffic signs, A car, A morotbike and bicycle, Travel by train, The station, Airplane and helicopter, The airport, The harbour, A passenger liner
  • Services
    The hotel, The post office, The bank, Journalism, The fire brigade, The hospital, Law and order, National defence
  • Time And Weather
    Time, Seasons, Weather
  • Occupations
    Occupations an professions a), Occupations an professions b), An artist & An optician, A dentist & Cerpenter tools, A plumber & An electrician, A housewife & A dressmaker, A photographer, Office work
  • The Environment
    Plants and flowers, Trees
  • The World Of Animals
    On the farm, Animals that live in the field, Animals that live in the savannah, Animals that live near swamps, Animals that live in the the forest, Sky animals, Sea animals, Pets
  • History
    Prehistory, Ancient Egypt, Life in Ancient Athens, The Romans, The feudal castle, The building of a cathedral, Pirates and corsairs, The conquest of the West, On the Moon
  • Leisure Time
    Hobbies, Toys, Fairly tales, In the park, Games, Athletics, Winter sports, Aquatic sports, Football, The circus, The orchestra, A rock group, Audio visual, Cinema & Library, Theatre, Camping
  • Places
    An aerial view of town, In the country, At the seaside, In the mountains, The depths of the Earth, The world, Star maps, The universe
  • Tables
    Quantities, Containers, Shops and shopkeepers, Sports, Materials, Verbs a), Verbs b), Verbs c), Verbs d), Opposites a), Opposites b), Prepositions


Povezani kursevi

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